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About Us



"Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful."
[Hebrews 10:23 NIV] 

Living loved!!!

Hello! My name is Dorila and this is my hubby John.


We've been married for over 29 years and have three great kids. Our journey as husband and wife started off very rough until we gave our lives over to doing it God's way. It's been many years since then and what He has done is unbelievable. 


You'll hear many stories along that journey of God's faithfulness and His great work in my life. Please know I don't share my stories proudly, but gratefully in hopes of helping others in need. God intervenes to  redeem through His Son Jesus Christ and we're grateful for the transformation that took place.

Our Kids


Our kids!!! The  journey as parents began many years ago with having our son John Jr. Then came our two daughters Alyssa and Tiffany.


To look back at their younger years is to remember who we were as mom and dad. It's only by the grace of God they are who they are today despite our shortcomings.


What an honor it has been in raising them and we're so proud of each one. We can't imagine our lives without our kids and the gift of who they are.  

"Children are a blessing and a gift from the LORD."
[Psalm 127:3 CEV] 

A place where people find hope.

Life On A Canvas
A Blog by Dorila Balsamo


Always great to hear from you.

@2019 Life On A Canvas, The Blog of Dorila Balsamo. All rights reserved.

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